When the clock seems to move slower than a snail on a treadmill, and the teacher’s voice starts to sound like a distant lullaby, it’s time to take matters into your own hands. Boredom in class is a universal experience, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer in silence. Here’s a list of games and activities to keep your brain engaged (or at least mildly entertained) while you pretend to take notes.
1. The Alphabet Game
This classic is perfect for when you’re stuck in a lecture about something you’ll probably never use in real life. The rules are simple: find a word in the room (or in your head) that starts with each letter of the alphabet, in order. Bonus points if you can sneak in words like “xylophone” or “quasar” without laughing.
2. Doodle Wars
Grab a piece of paper and challenge your seatmate to a doodle battle. Set a timer for 30 seconds, and each of you has to draw something based on a random theme (e.g., “angry potato” or “underwater toaster”). The winner is the one whose doodle gets the most silent giggles.
3. Mental Math Olympics
Turn your boredom into a brain workout by calculating random things. How many seconds are left until the bell rings? If the teacher says “um” every 10 seconds, how many “ums” will there be by the end of class? This game is secretly educational, so you can feel slightly less guilty about not paying attention.
4. The Whisper Challenge
Pass notes with a friend, but make it a game. Write a sentence, fold the paper, and pass it along. The next person adds a sentence, and so on. By the end of class, you’ll have a hilarious (and probably nonsensical) story to read.
5. Desk Jenga
If you’re sitting at a desk with loose parts (like screws or panels), see how many you can remove without the whole thing collapsing. Warning: This game may result in a sudden loss of seating privileges.
6. The Silent Laugh Challenge
Stare at something completely ordinary—like the teacher’s coffee mug or the clock—and try to convince yourself it’s the funniest thing you’ve ever seen. The goal is to make yourself laugh without making a sound. If you succeed, you win. If you fail, you’ll probably get caught laughing at nothing, which is also kind of a win.
7. Text-Based Adventure
If you’re feeling creative, write a short text-based adventure game in your notebook. For example: “You’re trapped in a classroom. Do you (A) try to escape through the window, (B) build a fort out of textbooks, or (C) accept your fate and take a nap?” Share it with a friend and see what they choose.
8. The Name Game
Look around the room and try to come up with nicknames for everyone based on their appearance or behavior. For example, the kid who’s always tapping their pencil could be “DJ Scratchy.” Keep these names to yourself unless you want to start a very awkward conversation.
9. Paper Football Flick
Fold a small triangle out of paper and flick it across the table to your friend. The goal is to get it to hang off the edge without falling. If you’re feeling extra competitive, create a scoring system based on how far it hangs off.
10. The Imaginary Escape
Close your eyes (but not for too long, or you’ll fall asleep) and imagine you’re somewhere else. Maybe you’re on a tropical island, or in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Plan your escape route, build a shelter, or just enjoy the mental vacation.
11. The Quietest Noise Maker
See how much noise you can make without anyone noticing. Tap your pencil lightly, shuffle your feet, or crinkle a piece of paper. The goal is to be the most annoying person in the room without getting caught.
12. The Staring Contest
Challenge a friend to a silent staring contest. The first one to blink or laugh loses. If the teacher catches you, just say you’re “practicing focus.”
13. The Random Fact Generator
Write down as many random facts as you can think of. For example, “Octopuses have three hearts” or “Bananas are berries, but strawberries aren’t.” Share them with your friends later and impress them with your useless knowledge.
14. The Time Traveler
Pretend you’ve traveled back in time and are observing the class from the future. What would future-you think about this moment? Would they be proud, confused, or horrified? Use this as inspiration to write a short story in your notebook.
15. The Silent Scream
When the boredom reaches peak levels, take a deep breath and let out a silent scream in your head. Imagine all your frustration leaving your body. It’s surprisingly therapeutic.
Q: What if I get caught playing these games?
A: Deny everything. If that doesn’t work, blame it on “active learning.”
Q: Are these games actually fun, or are they just distractions?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I play these games outside of class?
A: Absolutely. Boredom doesn’t discriminate.
Q: What if I accidentally learn something while playing these games?
A: Consider it a happy accident. You’re welcome.